Rising star and projected top 5 NBA pick of 2020, RJ Hampton is set to make an appearance in store on the 6th of January at Culture Kings Melbourne. Widely known for his ground-breaking career move to play professionally for the New Zealand Breakers under the NBL straight out of high school, as opposed to the traditional USA College basketball route taken by the majority of players, RJ Hampton is already turning heads at the young age of 18.
Reinventing the way players enter the NBA, RJ Hampton’s bold career move is likely to pave a new way forward in the years to come. The 18-year-old star turned down the USA college league despite receiving several prestigious scholarships from various universities, including Duke and Kentucky, in favour of playing against grown men in an established league. The no-nonsense approach, coupled with his incredible skill as a 6’5” point guard and all-round court intelligence, Hampton is a basketball marvel impossible to look away from.
The Texan-raised prodigy immediately made waves worldwide with the decision, all-the-while continuing to showcase the same A-grade skills displayed throughout high school, applying them to the NBL with ease.
A direct result of the burgeoning hype and esteemed career trajectory, this grass roots opportunity to catch the prodigy is one to go down in the history books, only growing in nostalgic and sentimental value as Hampton continues to flourish. This is a rare chance to meet RJ Hampton during his uncharacteristic rise to NBA fame, and almost more notably, during the early years of his basketball prime.
RJ Hampton will be in store somewhere around 2pm with no VIP lines, all you need to do is show up and queue to get in on the action. Hampton will dedicate some time to shop around, try out the Culture Kings Sharpshooter Challenge and all-round catch up with fans. Expectations are high for this to be a busy appearance, so make sure you get in early to solidify meeting the young prodigy. Remember, that signed basketball, tee or photo you score is only going to appreciate with time, don’t miss out on history in the making this January.